Sunday, March 1


Friday Nights without Ath was weird, but it was equally good spending time with Double
O, Dhai, JJ and Wei Yan. While Ath is probably having the time of her life looking at cute ang moh boys at the Bali beach now, I'm stuck in Sg, working. What life... Haha.

Anyway, woke up very late that day. Like 2pm? -.- So i hate to cancelled my lunch date with J, super sorry! And went to catch Slumdog Millionaire with O. Impromtu movie date. We did actually planned it earlier but he canceled the night before. Then it was back again, and of course, I wasn't ready. We even missed the 350 He's just not that into you show thanks to me. But its okay, he didn't agree on the movie title afterall. Slumdog millonaire was great, if not they wouldn't be winning the Oscars for no reason. I want to find the novel already!

It ended at around 7 and we separated so I met JunJie and Dhai to go to Starbucks JJ. Wy came soon and there's lots of camwhoring going on. I had my embarrasing moment where my chair flew off to the grass patch. And worst off, I didn't even realised it until JunJie told me and everyone who was sitting outside looked at me -.-Embarrasing! Haha. Reached home nearly midnight. Nothing much was going on, except some bad news. Cheer up Dhai!

Anyway, Grandpa was admitted to CGH yesterday. No good news at all. He was and still in critical condition now. The doctor even told us to be mentally prepared and have someone to accompany him yesterday night. I've yet to visit him due to work. But please God, make miracles happen :( I couldn't understood why Mum even got ready my clothes and scarf for a funeral. Its not that I can't understand the situation, but the thing is he is not even at that stage yet! Sigh. There's no point in me being angry afterall. Please get well soon, Grandpa. I miss you.

Thanks A for consoling me yesterday. I've missed you too.

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