Thursday, April 16

Life is a Maze, Love is a Riddle

Currently having that irritated feeling. Or maybe I’m just getting kanchiong after getting the text message from RP, which says this

“From RP STA: You are required to install Adobe CS4 Suite in your laptop before term start. It is compulsory for all T205 Module students. Failing to do so will affect your daily grades. “

Sial ah, I don’t even know wtf is that -.- And my T205 module is on Tuesday. Great, just great. The bloody school also have no initiative to tell us earlier. Any STA students even got a clue abt this? Inform me please, thank you. Haha.

And if you still don’t know by now, my 3 months honeymoon (holiday) period is coming to an end in just a few days time. Totally unprepared for school physically, mentally, equipped-ly. Because I am very the enthusiastic on taking the extra elective module, I have no holiday on every Wednesdays, but it’s okay. There is one less study week every semester, so there are lesser chances of me pandai-pandai want to make my own holiday. And now, tests are held after school, so screw the long hours. I was just thinking of getting myself involve in an IG/CCA, but yeah, forget it -.-

So much of complaining abt school, but at least class starts 15 mins later at 915 am everyday, when the freshman batch this year has to report at 830 am. *evil laugh* And at least, I’m doing the modules that I want this year, so I have to die die suck it all up. Well, that’s basically what I am looking forward to school. 4 more days to being a no life kid again. There were lots of times when I wanted to quit work, so I can have more rest. I need the extra cash, for my shopping addiction. And it’s bad like that. EXSA awards is the other reason too. Sheesh. God, please rain money!

Last week photos! From the family gathering and my 2nd day shopping trip to Vivo with with Dhai, Jarnah, and Bella.

I am super tired now! Will post some more update soon!

Karaoke last Sunday with the Gay boys. Very impromptu as usual, and I ditch my plans to meet O and lepak with K :/ But its okay, I still had fun, and I'm in love with Cash Studio now. Haha. Lesson Learnt, 1) bring a jacket or something to cover my nose because Nazrul farts alot in an aircon room -.- 2) Do not sit beside ShaSha a.ka. Shafiq because he will start a pillow fight. Haha

Random at Work by Sukarno.

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