Tuesday, December 9

I fly Like Paper, Get High Like Planes


I actually fell asleep yesterday. So I just saved this as draft and continue it when I'm free which is now. I'm glad that I attend class today, there's nothing much to do, and believe it or not I just finished off the powerpoint slide a minute ago. Since no one entertain me in class now, might as well I do something productive like blogging? Mostly everyone is playing CS even on the class projector. And I feel such a dumbo cos I do not know how to play it. You can call me kental or whatever, cos I admit I'm one and I just started playing computer this year? Eversince I entered RP. Haha.
So, my Hari Raya Haji this year went okay. Just like any other Hari Raya, except that there's no green packets. Hehe. Everyone came late to Grandmum's place, because they had to visit their other sides too. And my family knew it before they could even say so we came late too, around 6-ish. But we're still the earliest -.- Grandmum was so cute. She was worried and called my house and thought we were are not coming this year.
I'm glad everyone came except for my brother. Cos apparently he have lost this interest in this thing called Family. Sheesh. And I hate it when Mum always had to try her best to cover for him.
Met my cousins there, and I swear I miss them like crazy. Afiqah will always be the one who called/smsed/chat with me. And that poor girl is so bored with her holidays, she had nothing much to do and will always randomly asked me what I'm doing, where I am etc. Since their parents are too busy to bring them out, Cousin Hana and me have planned to bring them to my workplace during my holidays too. Let's see if she will go M.I.A on me again. Haha
Can't deny this looks like a drama scene.
Her mum's "mini me". Why? Because her tummy is as bloated as a pregnant woman's. Haha, i like that though, that makes me wana hug her more because it feels like you're hugging a teddy bear. Hehe.
Sofie was in the limelight all night. And she loves the attention. I wonder how will she will fight with her soon-to-be-born baby sister for attention. Thats in February! Excited Excited! I'm gonna get a new baby cousin soon :D
Spastic/Cacat faces.
(See Junjie, I do put cacat photos of myself okayy..)
Cousin Hana.
Growing fat.
And she do not want to believe it.
Oh Oh! Of course Grandmum's food was superbly delicious, and mum's too. I ate like a big fat pig that day. I think like 4 or 5 times. Couldn't help it. Everytime I see someone's eating, I wanted to eat too. Greedy much.
Everyone left pretty early because the next day was a normal working/school day :(
I had a test the next day but still I only managed to get only 2 hours of sleep. I overslept and Dad had to send me to school. Hehe thanks Dad!

Yesterday I caught another movie with Wei Yan, Keith and Daniel. After much consideration, we finally decided to watch Hell's Highway KM31.

Before the movie,
WY: I very scared lah. Later I will hide under my jacket.
Keith: Nevermind, I'm here.
I thought he was going to be a gentleman for awhile. But....
Keith: We'll scream together!

Anyway anyway, Hell's Highway is a horror/thriller movie by a Mexican-Spanish production, and yeah the movie is in Spanish, but there are English subtitle though. I thought the movie was not worth my 6 bucks at first, cos it wasn't as popular as other movies. And in the movie theater, there were only about 10 people including us. So that adds up to the thrill. I am recommending you guys to watch it! For a horror movie, I think it has the same standard as Japanese or Thailand's production. Really worth your 6 bucks. Hahaha. I was shaking most of the time, because of the air con and also frightened you see. Wei Yan brought her jacket, I didn't have anything to cover myself and my eyes :(

Oh man, the movie is still stuck on my mind till now. And Daniel told me he had this trauma of toilets because of the movie. Coincidentally, he said there was a cockroach invaded his toilet yesterday. Haha don't ask me, but there's no link with ghost and cockroach, right? Lol.
4.5 out of 5 popcorns for Hell's Highway!

Funny msn convos which cracks me up.

1) DQniel says:
are u stiangry
(Are u still angry?)
Are u stingray, eh Daniel? -.-

2) gravity's rainbow. says:
what u guys watching?
DQniel says:
keith and daniel wanna make porno

(11:21 AM) *Keith 小豬*Watash: wth
(11:21 AM) *Keith 小豬*Watash: didnt we agree on winx
(11:22 AM) gravity's rainbo: -.-
(11:22 AM) *Keith 小豬*Watash: hurt my feelings man
(11:22 AM) gravity's rainbo: its so childish lor
(11:22 AM) DQniel: ok
(11:22 AM) DQniel: what is quartine abt
(11:23 AM) DQniel: they kana sars den kana quarantine?

And them boys wanted to watch Winx Club!!! I don't even watch them on Teevee okay! Haha. Daniel sometimes need a bitch slap from me.

Thats all.

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